REACH Registration

REACH Registration

Downstream User Import Notification (DUIN): how to proceed?

UK-based companies that were downstream users or distributors under EU REACH before the end of the Brexit transition period have now become importers under UK REACH. These companies have to submit a DUIN (Downstream User Import Notification) to the HSE: find out how!
REACH Registration

UK business: how does Brexit and UK REACH affect your obligations?

Since Brexit, the European REACH regulation has been transcribed into UK law. As a result, businesses, particularly those based in the UK, may have seen their roles change and their responsibilities change under the new UK REACH.
REACH Registration

UK REACH: I missed the grandfathering deadline: what should I do?

With the entry into force of UK REACH following the UK's exit from Europe, a number of obligations and deadlines have arisen for companies in the chemical sector. One of these deadlines was 30th April: grandfathering. It allowed for an extension of time before full registration was required. Did you miss this deadline? Don't panic! We explain what to do.
REACH Registration

Downstream users and UK REACH: how are they impacted?

With Brexit and the entry into force of UK REACH, the UK counterpart of the European REACH regulation, many companies will be considered as being based in a third country. For this reason, downstream users may see their role changed. We look back for you on these changes and how best to anticipate them, for you or your customers.
REACH Registration

When and how must I comply with UK REACH?

The UK REACH regulation came into force on 1st January 2021, at the end of the transition period which followed Brexit. We have taken a look at the various deadlines that follow this first step for you.
REACH Registration

UK REACH: To what extent do I need to designate an OR?

Brexit has had an impact on many sectors. The chemical industry in particular is impacted by the introduction of the UK REACH regulation, the British counterpart of EU REACH, at the end of the transition period on 1st January 2021.