Downstream User Import Notification (DUIN): how to proceed?

June 10, 2021

Step-by-step DUIN

Companies now importing under UK REACH must notify the HSE that they wish to continue to import substances into the UK from Europe, using a Downstream User Import Notification (DUIN), by 27th October 2021.

The DUIN is done on the UK REACH IT portal "Comply with UK REACH".
To do this, you will need a number of pieces of information:
For imports of 1 to 10 tonnes per year:

  • The identity of the manufacturers/importers
  • The identity of the substance
  • Classification and labelling
  • The details of any authorisation
  • The details of any restrictions
  • Any other available and relevant information necessary to enable the identification and application of appropriate risk management measures
  • The registration number assigned by ECHA

For imports of more than 10 tonnes per year, in addition to the above information:

  • The identification and implementation of appropriate measures to control the risks identified in the chemical safety report
  • Safety Data Sheets (SDS)


What to do after the DUIN? What obligations?

Once the notification has been made, it is still necessary to complete the registration according to the deadlines valid after the end of the DUIN submission period and according to your tonnage bands.

28th October 2023 for:

  • tonnage band >1000T/year or CMR (>1T/year)
  • or substances highly toxic to aquatic organisms
  • or substances on the Candidate List

28th October 2025 for:

  • tonnage band >100T/year
  • or substances on the Candidate List

28th October 2027 for:

  • tonnage band >1T/year


If companies choose not to submit a notification, they will have to either complete a full registration or cease all imports. Although UK REACH has retained the same principles and requirements as European REACH, the registration process is quite lengthy and we recommend that you go through DUIN to save time.

NB: To facilitate this, it is also possible to appoint an OR (Only Representative) based in the UK to submit notifications.

Wish to know more about UK REACH ?

For more information, do not hesitate to contact one of our experts!

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