Substance Traceability

Substance Traceability

Understanding the most harmful chemicals

As part of the Green Deal towards a world where chemicals are safe and sustainable, the European Commission is adopting strategies for the use of the most harmful chemical substances.
Substance Traceability

Ban on the intentional use of mercury in the European Union

A provisional political agreement has been reached between the European Parliament and the Council on the proposed revision of the regulation on mercury in dental amalgams and other products.
Substance Traceability

Consultation on the PFAS restriction project

After a 6-month period, the public consultation on the draft restriction of PFAS available on the ECHA website ended on September 25, leaving room for 6,000 comments.
Substance Traceability

ECHA proposes to restrict PFAS

At the beginning of the year 2023, the per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances PFAS (also qualified as eternal pollutants) occupy a large part of the news. In this article we will first give a general definition of PFAS, and then divide it into several parts summarizing the main news to be retained.
Substance Traceability

ECHA adds 9 new substances to the candidate list (SVHC)

The candidate list for SVHC substances was updated on 17 January 2023, with the addition of 9 new substances. These substances are used particularly in the sectors of paints & coatings, flame retardants, etc.
Substance Traceability

Impact of the AGEC law on chemical substances

There are several decrees resulting from the AGEC law, which will come into force on different dates. As the decrees setting out the objectives and modalities of the AGEC law have not yet all been published, it is very important to follow their evolution.