

Biocidal products: simplified marketing authorisation

Biocidal products are strictly regulated at European and national scales. Therefore, the regulation's goal is to make sure that each and every biocidal product put on the market be truly efficient and that the risks related to its use be acceptable. For a biocidal product to be commercialised, it has to be granted a Marketing Authorisation (MA), beforehand. The latter can be of 5 different types. Today, we provide detailed information on the simplified MA.

Biocidal products: national Marketing Authorisation and mutual recognition

Biocidal active substances and biocidal products are addressed in a European regulation (No 528/2012) that aims at harmonising the marketing authorisation and use of these products in Europe. The Marketing Authorisation (MA) is a compulsory prerequisite to put any biocidal products in the market. These authorisations are granted to the person in charge of the commercialisation of a biocidal product, after its evaluation. There are 5 different types of MAs. Here, we provide further details on National Authorisation and Mutual Recognition associated.

Biocidal products: The Union Marketing Authorisation

The biocidal products’ regulation (BPR) introduces the possibility to have some biocidal products authorised within the Union, thereby allowing the companies to place their biocidal products on the market all over the EU. How do the submission and evaluation processes unfold? EcoMundo enlightens you on the matter.

The different types of biocidal MAs

The regulation n°528/2012 on biocidal products aims at improving the functioning of the market of biocidal products within the European Union, while guaranteeing a high level of protection of the human health and the environment. Thus, all biocidal products destined to be put on the market require an authorisation and the active substances they contain have to be approved beforehand. There are 3 big families of authorisations (transitory, provisional and long-term). EcoMundo details the different types of “long-term” marketing authorisations. 

Progress on the assessment of biocidal active substances by the BPC

The Biocidal Product Committee working group enables to anticipate the opinions that will be published on the assessment of active substance/ biocidal product type (AS/PT) combinations. The planning for the submissions of product authorisation dossiers is therefore established. The agenda of the BPC published on ECHA’s website presents different substances to assess for the years 2017 and 2018. These assessments will be validated during the plenary sessions, at the dates defined for each active substance.

FDA’s final rule on the safety and effectiveness of antibacterial soaps

The FDA (Food and Drug Agency) published the final rule on antibacterial soaps containing certain active substances. The concerned products will have to be removed from the market within a year or have their composition changed.