Cleaning and homecare product compliance in California: what are you required to do?

May 4, 2020

Deadlines for companies selling cleaning products in California

Voted in 2017, the Cleaning product Right to Know Act applying in California (US Senate Bill 258) changes things for many companies. They will now be required to disclose the ingredients of theirhomecare and cleaning products sold in California, which are listed on one the 22 “designated lists”.

These designated lists are a compilation of already existing lists of dangerous substances worldwide, such as the Candidate List of substances for authorisation(or SVHC substances). This represents a very large number of substances to be identified in the formulation of products.

The companies therefore face 2 deadlines:

  • Since 1st January 2020, they must all have disclosed these substances on their website
  • Beginning on 1st January 2021, they will also need to display it on their labels

Which products are affected by this Californian Right to Know Act?

The Californian act on cleaning products’ composition applies to “designated products”, that is:

  • air care products which eliminate unpleasant odours or freshen the air,
  • automotive products designed to maintain the appearance of a motorised vehicle
  • general cleaning products: soaps, detergents, etc.
  • Polish or Floor Maintenance Products

Cleaning product Right to Know: the background

The Californian Cleaning product Right to Know act comes from an ever stronger ambition in the United States to disclose potentially dangerous or problematic ingredients used by the general public.

We can observe, for instance a similar legislation was passed in the State of New York, even though there are many differences in terms of covered substances and company requirements.

EcoMundo and its experts guide you through the check of your products’ compositions, whether they be cleaning products, scented candles, etc. with their compliance in California as a final goal. Our experts combine regulatory and chemical expertise to carry out the matching between your products’ ingredients and the substances of the designated lists of the Californian law.

Wish to know more about the US Senate Bill 258?

For more information, do not hesitate to contact Saad Shehadeh or one of our experts via our contact form, indicating the purpose of your inquiry.

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