Tighter VOC limits adopted in California


California adopts more stringent VOC limits

The Office of Administrative Law has approved CARB's (California Air resources Board) Consumer Product proposed amendments on August 1st, 2022. This amendment brings new or lower VOC limits in seven consumer product categories (manual aerosol air fresheners, four hair care product categories, personal fragrances, aerosol bug insecticides).

Consult the final regulation order by following this link. 

The new limits will come into force between 2023 and 2031, depending on the product’s category. The table below highlights the existing limits and the new requirements to meet and their deadlines: 


New limits VOC California


The products in these seven categories are also prohibited from using four solvents that are not considered VOCs for compliance purposes but have "significant adverse health impacts": 

  • Perchloroethylene (Perc)
  • Trichloroethylene (TCE)
  • Methylene chloride
  • Pchloro-α-,α,αtrifluorotoluene (PCBTF)

How to comply with the new VOC limit in California? 

California has been restricting VOC use in consumer products since 1989 and is the state with the most restrictive VOC limits in the U.S. Hence, it might not be the first time your company has to face tighter requirements and reformulation processes. 

According to the HCPA (The Household & Commercial Products Association), the new limits “present very serious and costly reformulating and marketing challenges”.

If you are a manufacturer making and selling products concerned by the new VOC limits, you should start thinking about reformulating options to anticipate and meet the deadlines. EcoMundo’s regulatory experts can assist you in your formulation strategy and help you ensure compliance with the new requirements. Contact us to know more.

About Volatile Organic Compounds

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are potentially harmful chemical compounds released into the indoor and outdoor environment through the manufacture and use of everyday products like cleaning spray, air fresheners, hair care products, insect repellants, etc. 

VOCs are being restricted in order to protect the health and reduce ground-level ozone. To know more about VOCs’ impact on human health and the environment, you can consult the Environmental Protection Agency’s website: EPA website

Wish to know more about the regulation of cosmetic products in the U.S.?

For more information, do not hesitate to contact Emmanuel Fritsch.

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