The results were worrying: more than half of the SDSs and a quarter of the CLP notifications did not comply with their respective obligations. Furthermore, for the pre-registration and registration requirements, the rate of non-compliance was 12 %.
These numbers do not take into account the extra documents needed for the extended SDS (eSDS). REF-2’s final report should be issued at the next REACH Enforcement Forum meeting in March 2013, which ought to help regulation enforcers.
This information as well as the name of the registrants and the numbers of the REACH registration dossiers are published by ECHA, stressing the imminence of the next registration deadline and the threats that weigh on non-compliant companies. After having been accused of being too soft by NGOs last October, ECHA reasserted its authority by revoking registration decisions for companies that had fraudulent registration costs.
The development of the REF-3, which seems to be much stricter, is in motion and will run from February to August 2013. It will deal with registration requirements, Only Representative compliance and the collaboration with customs authorities.
Article published in The Molecule 6