EcoMundo Biocides Consortia: what are they and why join one?

November 23, 2021

Biocides consortia: economical marketing authorizations made in EcoMundo

The European Commission's Biocidal Products Committee (BPC) regularly decides in favor of the approval of certain active substance/biocidal product type combinations (AS/PT).

Upon approval of an SA/TP combination, companies marketing these types of products containing these active substances will need to have submitted a Biocidal Product Marketing Authorization (MA) dossier in order to continue their activity in full compliance with the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR).

Carrying out an MA dossier is long and expensive: it is important to choose the right type of MA, to carry out the tests with the right subcontractor, to collect and analyze the data with the bon prestataire, etc. If you do not have an internal team experienced in biocidal compliance, it is a file that can quickly prove difficult or even impossible to achieve alone!

To reduce costs, you can choose to pool your dossiers in biocidal product families, within a consortium. EcoMundo can make its experts in biocidal compliance available to companies that are part of biocidal consortia. Thanks to this, you will be able to optimize the tests, share the cost of the LoA, (Letter of Access), reduce the cost of the fees to the competent authorities according to the countries of marketing, etc.

Within the consortium, EcoMundo teams act as neutral intermediaries. We ensure the confidentiality of the data and information of each company and each product. We only collect what is necessary and guarantee the competitive advantage of each company.

Registration to several EcoMundo consortia is open: please contact our experts for more details!

Placing biocidal products on the market: a complicated process in Europe

Within the European Union, the placing on the market of biocidal products is a long and extremely regulated process. Biocidal products are subject to the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR), which distinguishes two processes depending on the status of the active substance used and the type of product marketed. Below, you will find a description of the procedures to be followed depending on the regulatory status of the active substance in question.

The first process concerns active substances under evaluation. This period is referred to as the "transitional" period and the transitional measures apply. These measures are decided at national level and not for the whole European Union. The procedures are different, but in general, dossiers have to be submitted.

The second process starts once the approval date is set by the European Commission: companies must then begin to prepare their biocide MA (marketing authorization) dossier. From the date of approval, they must have already submitted their MA dossier to continue marketing. If they were not already on the market according to the transitional measures, they will have to wait for the approval of their MA dossier to start marketing their products.

Wish to know more about the biocidal products regulation?

For more information, do not hesitate to contact Cornelia Garaudel or one of our experts!

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