2022 - the cosmetic trends of the year

February 16, 2022

If digital has already been a part of cosmetic consumer trends in the past, it continues its ascent to touch the whole industry today, from marketing brief to sales, communication techniques and customer experience. Today, the digitalization of companies marketing and manufacturing cosmetics is the natural next step for the sector.

Whether they use PLM (Product Life Management) solutions or software specific to their needs, such as formulation software, there is no longer any question of companies in the sector relying on Excel or paper tools!

For more information on the benefits of a software dedicated to cosmetics, please have a look at our dedicated page, or read our article dedicated to formulation!

Ecological transition: an increasingly important issue

The environment is once again at the heart of consumer and public policy concerns. Indeed, we can see the return of a real willingness on the part of citizens to turn to brands that are committed to greater transparency when it comes to the environment.

States are not left behind: in France, for example, the AGEC law has reshuffled the cards for cosmetics packaging. It provides for the prohibition of environmental claims such as "environmentally friendly", or the total disappearance of single-use plastic packaging in 2040 with, as a first step, the recycling of all plastic packaging by 2025.

At the European level, the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (or CSS) suggests a reopening of many regulations, including the cosmetics regulation.

New features of the regulation could include a change in the scope of the regulation and would take into account environmental issues for the first time. Currently, the cosmetics regulation solely includes human health effects. The opening of the regulations to environmental hazards could lead to the inclusion of other environmental actions and measures in the regulation. Amendments would also possibly address:

  • a ban on endocrine disruptors, with exemptions for "essential" uses
  • a ban on persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) chemicals
  • a potential ban on immunotoxic, neurotoxic and organ-specific toxic chemicals
  • extending generic risk management to consumer product ingredients
  • combined effects provisions.

China and India: interesting markets and regulatory developments

With the implementation of the new Chinese cosmetic regulation, companies have a lot to do in terms of compliance and regulatory updates! Developments on animal testing, cannabidiol or the list of authorized ingredients accompany the classic issues of files to be submitted to the authorities and their formats.

EcoMundo has already discussed these evolutions in an article dedicated to the export of cosmetics to China. You can also watch the replay of our experts' webinar on the subject!

The issue of exporting cosmetics to India and the Indian market in general is becoming more and more important for the industry. For these reasons, we invite you to have a look at the challenges of compliance in the Indian market, notably through our article.

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