More than 2 000 Registrations transferred because of Brexit

May 29, 2019

A massive migration

On this day of 29th March, the initially planned Brexit date, more than 2 000 registrations have already been transferred by British entities since the “Brexit window” opened on 12th March. Cette fenêtre est la seule période proposée par l’ECHA pour notifier les changements d’entité légale au travers de la plateforme REACH-IT.

Still according to ECHA, since the beginning of the year, more than 3 000 registration transfer procedures have been initiated.

Originally, this window was supposed to last from 12th to 29th March. The closure was however postponed because of Brexit’s recent developments. With the information available at the moment, we can assume that it will end on 12th April or even later.

Why so many?

If companies were so eager to anticipate the transfer of their registrations, it is because they otherwise risk losing access to the common market for their substances, once Brexit is effective.

For more information on the necessity of transferring your registrations and on the applicable procedure, do not hesitate to read our other blogposts or to download our white paper on Brexit & REACH.

EcoMundo can also guide you through the transfer process and act as Only Representative for your company.

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