Brexit: How to prevent my food supplements exported to Europe from being blocked at the border


European Food Business Operator and notifications

British companies are now obliged, if they wish to market or import their food supplements into Europe, to appoint a Food Business Operator (FBO) based in the EU-27.
As the UK is no longer part of the EU, companies with only a UK address can no longer place themselves on the European market. This also applies to non-European companies that used to market their products in Europe with a British FBO.
Notification of a food supplement is compulsory in most EU countries before it is placed on the market. It is done per product and for each country where it will be sold according to its own procedure, so the notification will also have to be modified in line with this change in order to remain up to standard.

The principle of mutual recognition allowed the process to be simplified. If a product was sold in Spain, for example, the notification in another country was more easily accepted. Now, if a person sells in the UK and wants to sell in Spain, they have to redo a notification without being able to rely on the notification of their product in the UK..

These regulatory changes for the European market can be suppported by an intermediary. EcoMundo can, for example, accompany you throughout the compliance of your food supplements.

Labelling and stocks

The changes to be made to the notification also concern labelling. Food supplements produced in the UK can no longer be labelled as being of EU origin or carry the EU flag. Companies must indicate their European address.
Products placed on the EU-27 market before the end of the transition period (31st December 2020) can continue to circulate without labelling changes until stocks run out. The new label will have to appear on new batches for European countries.
Bear in mind that, with the borders back in place, the UK will be able to carry out customs checks on imported and exported products.

Food supplements: key regulatory points

Food supplements in the EU are governed by the European Directive 2002/46/EC which is then transcribed in each Member State.
Notification requirements, authorised nutrient levels and the composition of supplements remain specific to each country.

A key point of the European directive is the definition of a food supplement.
A food supplement is a foodstuff whose purpose is to supplement the normal diet and which constitutes a concentrated source of a nutrient or other substance, having a nutritional or physiological effect, alone or in combination.
The requirement for claims about the effects of a supplement is another important element. Moreover, it is often a source of refusal of notification.
Do not hesitate to watch the replay of our webinar for more information on food supplements!

Wish to know more about food supplements?

For more information, do not hesitate to contact Cornelia Garaudel or one of our experts!

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