Poison Centres Notification: besides the UFI, what are your requirements?


The declaration: essential after the UFI

Generating a UFI (Unique Formula Identifier) is only the first step towards compliance with Annex VIII of the CLP Regulation!

To comply with the CLP Regulation, your UFIs, and therefore your mixtures, must have been notified in the harmonised PCN format. If your UFIs are not linked to any declaration, your distributors have the right to refuse your products, as they will not be compliant. You are also exposed to sanctions: European authorities have agreed to start une campagne de a control campaign targeting notifications to poison centres as of 2022, in addition to the usual controls.

As a reminder, the deadlines for compliance are as follows:

  • 1st January 2021 for mixtures intended for consumer or professional use,
  • 1st January 2024 for mixtures intended for industrial use.

The information that will have to be provided when making the declaration is diverse. The following will be required: general information on the mixture, on the packaging, the product category, the UFI itself, hazard information, contact information, labelling elements (hazard pictograms, etc.), as well as toxicological and physico-chemical information and the full composition of the mixture.

In order to carry out the declaration, ECHA has set up a European platform meets the objective of centralising notifications across Member States. On this platform, the declaration can be submitted through 3 types of tools:

  • IUCLID Cloud for users wishing to prepare their notification online,
  • IUCLID 6 for those who wish to keep their data offline,
  • System-to-system integration for more advanced users, with automatic data generation.

Generating the UFI: the first step towards compliance

The UFI, or Unique Formula Identifier, is a 16-character alphanumeric code that will be required on the label of all hazardous mixtures placed on the European market. All products labelled and notified under the same UFI must share the same composition.

To generate a UFI, you will need your company's VAT number as well as your company’s mixture-specific formulation number, and to go to ECHA's UFI Generator de l’ECHA. There you will only need to enter the required information and a UFI will be generated automatically.

As we have seen above, your obligations do not stop at the UFI. While the UFI is the element that enables poison control centres to make the link between a mixture, its composition and the measures to be taken in the event of an incident, it is worth nothing without its notification counterpart.

A new UFI must be generated and included on the product’s label as soon as the mixture’s composition is changed.

EcoMundo accompanies you throughout the compliance process of your mixtures and takes care of your harmonised declarations to all Member States, whether or not they are connected to the European platform. Our proactive teams enable you to meet deadlines and comply with regulations in all your markets, within the time limits set out by competent authorities.

Wish to know more about poison centres notification?

For more information, do not hesitate to contact Renaud Germain-Thomas or one of our experts via our contact form, indicating the purpose of your inquiry.

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