ECHA identifies 290 candidate chemicals for regulatory action


ECHA report: nearly 300 substances for better risk management?

In a report published in April 2021 on the 2020 assessments, ECHA identified 290 substances as candidates for further regulatory risk management by the European Union. More data is obviously required first to confirm the potential hazard before action can be taken.

For its report, ECHA wanted to deal with structurally similar groups of substances instead of assessing each chemical individually. This group approach allowed for the evaluation of approximately 1900 substances in 2020, twice as many as in 2019.
As a result of these assessments, ECHA has identified 290 substances that are considered potentially dangerous. These substances could be carcinogenic, mutagenic, toxic for reproduction (CMR), potentially endocrine disrupting, persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic or respiratory sensitisers.

The report also stated that it is important for Member States to initiate regulatory risk management without delay for substances that require further action, but also to intensify their collaboration with each other to maximise the results of their work.

In the annual report, ECHA requests for these 290 substances additional information from the companies that have submitted registration dossiers for them. The final conclusion of this group is expected before the end of 2021.

ECHA's regulatory strategy

ECHA's regulatory strategy aims at identifying substances of concern as well as regulatory actions to be taken.

In 2020, ECHA accelerated these evaluations of registered substances. A total of 1900 substances were evaluated, double the number registered in 2019.
Its objective is to clarify by 2027 which registered substances are high priority and which are not for further regulatory action.

Harmonisation of the classification and labelling of substances (CLH) is also essential for regulators to plan risk management actions. A lack of harmonised classification can delay action by companies or authorities.

The success of ECHA's approach has been recognised by the acceleration of the identification of substances of potential concern in 2020. However, more data is often needed to confirm the need for the planned actions. Effective compliance checks therefore remain a priority for ECHA.

Wish to know more about risk management?

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