REACH Registration

The concept of PLC is removed from the registration framework

Polymers have been a subject of discussion for a long time. They are not subject to REACH registration and yet their properties are often a sensitive issue. Last June, the Commission decided to abolish the concept of polymer of low concern (PLC). EcoMundo offers you a detailed analysis of the concept.

Revision of the definition of a nanomaterial

The European Commission has published a new definition for nanomaterials. This revision was highly anticipated, and will bring some changes. EcoMundo reviews the situation for you.
Substance Traceability

Candidate list update: ECHA adds NMA to the list

The SVHC candidate list is updated twice a year, in January and June/July. On June 10, 2022, ECHA added NMA, a carcinogen and mutagen, to the list. The list now has 224 entries.
REACH Registration

Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) : What are the recommendations?

The SSbD strategy will bring many changes in the different regulations (REACH, CLP, cosmetics, detergents, etc.). A CSS roundtable shared 10 recommendations to follow to adopt this concept. EcoMundo reviews for you the recommendations and the impacts of this strategy on the chemical industry.

2022 - the cosmetic trends of the year

The year 2022 brings with it new trends for the cosmetics industry. Past and future concerns have changed a lot, including climate change, health crises issues, and consumers' increased awareness of the impact of cosmetics on their health. These coupled with regulatory changes are all factors that are influencing trends in the cosmetics industry this year.